Management of technical offices
Teseo is easy and immediate in learning, and offers all categories of users an effective tool for managing the most common operations in the field of parcelling, practice management and holding of the petty cash book.
It supports various features to meet real-time information requirements and practicality of use, as demonstrated by, for example, the system of creation of customer data sheet and the complete customization of reports obtainable from the customer data sheet.
Teseo also offers a complete system for storing customer/supplier records, an updated schedule on the accounting status of each customer, a multi-user password protection system, an online guide that can be viewed at any time, print preview functions and various help in search.
Practices management
The loading of the practices alloes you to specify the type through a table totally customizable by the customer. On each file it will be possible to load the work to be carried out.
In a quick way!
By selecting the sector of interest and the macro-voice of the work you can select the processes and bring them back into the practice. The "sector tables" and workings are fully customizable. From the movements of the practice it will be possible to create the fee with the clear detail of fees, expenses, professional coffers.
Working hours
Teseo allows to manage the working hours of technicians and to manage their expense reports. Both are integrated in the practice to be included in the proposal of fees to be sent to the customer.
Work progress
It is possible to visualize the updated situation for each job required, relative to the sector and the macro-voice indicated in the practice. All is managed: from the beginning of the work, to any intermediate checks, up to the final validation and delivery to the customer.// Our staff is available to provide you with the help you need